I watched my dreams came into reality without me...
Last night,September 19,2006 my former MC classmates had their Showcase of talents, concepts, ideas and creativity as they conducted a variety show which is their requirement and a sorth of evaluation upon their learnings during the 1st sem in their MC1 subject.
I watched the show ,I skipped 2 of my classes (Which one is my major subject),just to see it and enjoy seeing my friends and colleagues before doing their thing on the stage.
I was in the left bleacher watching them enjoy every segment of their creatively crafted musical talk show which at first I thought was a wrong idea because of the possibility of making the show boring and less entertaining when they do more talks,but I came out wrong. The audiences really lived during the show and even participated by asking questions during that segment.
Well, I gotta say CONGATULATIONS to all my classmates and they really are worthy of a thumbs-up and series of applause.
Enough of that, amidst that very hype performances by my classmates,there I was in the bleacher,hoping that i could be on stage too..I could suggest my own ideas about the show and I could play my backstage part during the show which I think is more enjoying than being on stage.
It was my dream before of putting a show,where my parents could watch,even if im not on-stage performing for them...They could feel the show as my endeavor and nevertheless,see me,my totality in that show,its more heartwarming for me,if someone will say "Hey,I love your concept and I enjoy watching it unfold between my eyes"
But,Im happy of where I am today,...
I never had regrets in my choice of switching my course.
I may have dreamt of becoming a director,a writer,a performer a mediamen.But,what matters most is how could I pay my parents and my sister upon their efforts in sending me to school...my only dream is to have a stable job with good salaries so that I could repay my sister and my parents and I could send myself to school again and study MC,or Film Direction or scriptwriting,or Journalism.
That would be my another dream which I pray I could really live with.
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