Painfully Gorillaz

Gorillaz new video "El Manana" is so misterious and dark, the video is so powerful that you could feel the pain of the elements. I dont know if thats what other people think too,but for me,God! Its so sad.
The video opens with the floating windmill ,the one we saw in the video of"Feel Good Inc.".( I think its a sequel,I dont know maybe not,maybe yes). Then noodle was attacked by killer choppers and down he goes..
Interesting and cool videos has been the trademark of the group,from the Group's animated appearance,'til their cool and witty songs,Gorillaz has been climbing charts and stages for awards because of their uniqueness. Then this video, I think this would hit another score. Theres no much talked about this video though,but for me..its cool, unique and outstanding. from the timing,the music,superb animation..damn,this video has a lot to offer.
Watch the video and see for yourself.

9/10 - I got nothing more to say, just inexplainably cool.

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